All pages are informative – not therapeutic. Read first about VitaminB3.
Dr. William Kaufman had practice in Conneticut. He had such great success in treating especially osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) as early as 1940 that he could receive letters on which the envelope merely read “The Arthritis Doctor, Conneticut”. He also invented measuring equipment for measuring the movement of the joints. The core of the treatment was large doses of vitamin B3 as niacinamide.
One of Dr. Kaufman’s patients had such strong rheumatoid arthritis that he could not bend his elbows enough for a blood pressure measurement. Dr. Kaufman gave him niacinamide for one week in divided doses, and then he could bend his arm. With a placebo for a week, the patient was back where he started: his joints were stiff again. Kaufman: “One can not give a single large dose and get really beneficial results in rheumatoid arthritis. It is necessary to divide the doses so that the concentration of niacinamide is fairly uniform during the waking day.” His results were both clear and elegant: the greater the stiffness, the more frequent the doses.
Here is Dr. Hoffer’s variant of treatment of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In the latter case, be sure that it is not an infection or a form of arthritis caused by persistent elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. If the joint is very severely damaged, the method does not work.
Dr. Hoffer writes that the results have been spectacular.
Dr. Hoffer – Orthomolecular medicine for everyone 2008, pages 206-208 is source for the next two sections:
Treatment of arthritis
Modern treatment of arthritis should take advantage of all the useful treatments available, provided they do not cause harm. The less toxic treatments should be preferred over more toxic substances. One should aim to relieve pain as quickly as possible, as pain is very stressful, increases the loss of water-soluble nutrients and reduces our immune system. At the same time, the treatment must be directed to the current causes, and substances that are not normally found in the body are used as little as possible. Once the joints have been permanently damaged, eroded or deformed, medical treatment may help but surgical intervention will be required. In general, surgery is not necessary if joint movement is possible with some pain. Treatment should be directed to all causes: infections should be treated and, if allergies are present, appropriate treatment is essential, including natural (orthomolecular) nutrition and elimination of foods that the person is allergic to. Night shade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and tobacco) can be a factor in up to 10 percent of arthritis cases. Elimination of these plants for a few months greatly improves the condition if night-shade plants are a factor.
Treatments and supplements are always individual.
Vitamin B3.
Niacinamide taken in four doses a day should be tested at optimal levels, usually starting with a total of 500 mg daily and increasing. Too much niacinamide causes nausea. What constitutes “too much” varies from person to person and must be determined individually.
Niacin (nicotinic acid) is much less likely to cause nausea. Niacin works stronger and simultaneously gives cholesterol control. Niacin can cause the tingling of the skin (flush) and redness as histamine is released and the capillaries expand. The effect is reduced by the use of slow release niacin, and also by repeated use, so that the histamine stocks do not become large. Vitamin C also helps .. Some “arthritis” have said they enjoy the niacin “flush” that heats their joints. If neither niacin nor niacinamide is tolerated, it can use some of the weaker and more expensive Inositol Hexanicotinate.
It is very important for this treatment that you have vitamin B3 in your body 24 hours a day.
[Boron has become an important supplement for bones, teeth and cell membranes over the last 50 years. AC]
C vitamin. A dose of 1g or more three times a day may be beneficial. Vitamin C is essential for the cure of connective tissue and cartilage discs in the back, and vitamin C tends to relieve back pain.
B6 vitamin. B6 can help and should be used if there are clinical signs of need for additional supplementation.
Zinc. Zinc should be used with vitamin B6. Zinc sulfate (220 mg) is usually well tolerated. An ideal intake could be vitamin B6 (50 mg) and zinc (10 mg) taken four to five times daily.
Vitamins A and D3. A combination of vitamins A and D3 with calcium and magnesium has been used by Dr. Carl Reich for the successful treatment of many patients with arthritis.
The usual antiarthritis drugs, aspirin, the more modern anti-rheumatic drugs and, if necessary, steroids or gold, can be used for rapid relief of pain. even smaller doses give the same effect. This also avoids any problems with aspirin in the gastrointestinal tract. inter alia]
One of the major benefits of nutrients is that they are compatible with nearly all drugs, do not interfere with any therapeutic effect and accelerate all healing processes; The drugs can then be slowly eliminated so that health is maintained with a good nutrition.
Dr. Hoffer considers arthritis as one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a generalized disease of malnutrition.
Sustained release
With sustained release or time release ie. slow release is generally required only half the dose.
The dose as a starting point may be 500 mg per. 25 kg body weight per. day of sustained release vitamin B3.
It may be practical to purchase in USA to get mega sizes with sustained release.
Vitamin K2. If bone tissue is threatened, including in the case of osteoarthritis, I would also take a combination of vitamin K and D. The relatively newly discovered vitamin K2 along with vitamin D and A helps move calcium from the organs and blood vessels to the bones and teeth. For example, the combination can be purchased on ebay herehttps: // dose with this product may be 2 tablets daily. You can of course also buy the vitamins separately. Make sure the diet contains reasonable amounts of a vitamin A source (red potato, spinach, broccoli, squash, carrot etc.) Vitamin K2 and appropriate vitamin A make high doses of vitamin D problem-free.
Partly, but simple explanation of this use of vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 counteracts clotting of red blood cells. The blood flow to the tissues in the body is increased. It produces many positive effects, and enables, for example, a better and faster repair of joint damage.
The process can be enhanced with vitamin B12 as this reduces the size of the red blood cells.
Dr. Hoffer writes that it is possible to spot a person whose blood clumps by their appearance. They are overweight, very pale, sweaty and short of breath. With niacin, their normal color returns quickly.